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A beautiful bouquet of the finest, luxury lilacs. Created using thoughtfully selected flowers such as tulips, anemones, roses, spray roses, rannunculas, syringia and more.  This bouquet will include a minimum of 6 roses.


Gift wrapped in The Green Rooms Signature style in beautiful paper and a gift bag for the most special treat for yourself or a loved one. All bouquets are plastic free. Using biodegradable vegan tape, recycled paper and  cellophane.


All Mothers Day bouquets will be available for collection only from 10 - 3pm on Saturday 26th March from my home studio. (address shown in additional info section to the right).


I will not be offering delivery this Mothers Day weekend.


10% of all net proceeds from Mothers Day bouquets will be donated to support the Mothers of Ulkraine - donations will be sent in one sum via the "choose love" - campaign. I will advise of full amount donated after 27th March via email newsletter - thank you in advance for all orders to support this.


Luxury Modern Sass Mothers Bouquet

  • Please note,  I will hand pick the finest flowers for each and every bouquet so no two are exactly the same. The images shown are example of previous bouquets and your flowers may differ in terms of variety and colour.


    When you receive your flowers, please unwrap them, cut the stems and then place into a vase of fresh water.

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